In the ABC show “Modern Family” there is a character
named Phil Dunphy who is played by Ty Burrell. In the show, Phil is married to
Claire Dunphy and they have three kids together. Phil comes off as a cool dad
who is a lot like a child in a sense. Phil’s actions depict that of a teenager
at times and I believe that is why he is my favorite character. Phil works as a
real estate agent and he is very good at it. Ty’s character “Phil Dunphy” uses
blatant insecurity, Inquisitive curiosity, and harsh sarcasm to depict a
comical effect.
Dunphy is very insecure and it’s as clear as day. In many of the episodes of
“Modern Family” Phil demonstrates this trait. For example, in the episode
“Virgin Territory” Phil is very insecure about whether or not his oldest
daughter, Haley Dunphy, is a virgin or not. At one point in the episode Phil
says "I’m sorry, Doc, I’m having
trouble adjusting to all this." pertaining to the whole virgin situation
between his daughter and himself. Phil really wants to know the truth but he is
so insecure about it he doesn’t know if he can handle it.
Besides being insecure, Phil is also
very curious. Phil always questions everything to the utmost extent. I think it
has something to do with his insecurities. For example, in the episode “Lifetime
Supply” His doctor examines him and tells him that he will call if anything is
wrong and he does call but Phil misses the call so he begins to question every
single thing that could be wrong. Phil calls back but the doctor does not
answer and he is left worrying for days. Come to find out, Phil’s doctor was
only calling to discuss real estate since Phil is a real estate agent. Phil’s
curiosity got the best of him and he was worried for days.
Phil Dunphy is also very sarcastic
from time to time. His sarcasm is very humorous though so it completes the show
in a way. For example, in the episode “Marriage” Phil says; “Trust me, I had
plenty of fun in my time. Then, I met your mom.” Obviously Phil is not serious
about this statement but it is very sarcastic and funny. Phil’s sarcasm makes
his character come alive.
Ty Burrell does a great job acting
as Phil Dunphy in the show “Modern Family” He plays a really convincing role as
a father trying to fit in as best he can with his kids. His acting brings the
viewers in and makes the show much more believable. The Dunphys could be your
next door neighbor! Ty’s character “Phil Dunphy” uses blatant
insecurity, Inquisitive curiosity, and harsh sarcasm to depict a comical